Which Digital Marketing Course is the Best?

There are a number of online digital marketing courses that you can take to learn the ins and outs of this fast-growing industry. But which one is the best?
Rob Percivel’s Digital Marketing Bootcamp
If you are interested in building a well rounded digital marketing portfolio then this is the course for you. It’s an easy one to follow, and a whole lot of fun. You’ll also learn a thing or two about the art of the trade. This course is not just for the geeks though, it’s also for the aspiring. The course material is a combination of both traditional courses and an array of self-selective online classes. There’s no shortage of high quality instructors to choose from. One of the more enjoyable aspects of this course is that it’s an open classroom environment, so you’ll be able to chat with your instructor in a more personal setting. For example, the instructor is very responsive to feedback, and is able to provide you with a customized learning path. With the right amount of commitment, you’ll be well on your way to a well rounded marketing career in no time.
Simplilearn’s Job Guarantee Digital Marketing courses
Simplilearn’s Job Guarantee Digital Marketing courses are designed to help students acquire the skills they need to succeed in their careers. The courses offer hands-on experiences and a real-world approach to learning. This makes it an ideal solution for busy adult learners.
The courses offered by Simplilearn are suitable for beginners as well as experienced professionals. Their courses include both instructor-led and self-paced classes. They also feature practice exercises and exams.
Simplilearn offers a variety of courses and certifications, including digital marketing, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. Some of the courses are free, while others require tuition.
The company’s certifications are recognized by major tech employers worldwide. Its courses are taught by expert instructors and cover a wide range of topics. For more information about courses, check out Simplilearn’s website.
Simplilearn’s Job Guarantee programs ensure that graduates of its programs receive a job offer. Students can earn a certificate of completion after completing the courses.
Simplilearn has partnerships with leading tech companies, universities, and institutions. Currently, the company offers over 400 online courses. These include certifications, post-graduate diplomas, and master’s programs.
Google Digital Garage
Google Digital Garage is a non-profit educational program that is aimed at educating the uninitiated about digital marketing. It offers free courses, workshops, and other training options to help you develop your digital skills.
Google Digital Garage is an excellent choice for those looking to improve their digital marketing knowledge and improve their career. The company’s free training is complemented by live events, online webinars, and one-on-one mentoring sessions. This certification helps to build your digital marketing abilities, and adds a nice touch of credibility to your resume.
Aside from its many free tools, this site also features a testable learning system that can help you track your progress. These lessons are short, simple, and easy to follow. They teach you everything from the basics of search optimization to how to manage your inbox and attachments.
Other advantages include its one-time-only requirement, and the fact that you can take the course on your own schedule. You can take it on the train, while you are out for dinner, or even while you are eating your breakfast.
Advanced Certification in Digital Marketing by CCE, IIT Madras
If you are interested in digital marketing, then the Advanced Certification in Digital Marketing and Analytics offered by the Centre for Continuing Education, IIT Madras can be your choice. This is a course designed by industry experts and is aimed at enabling students to master the skills needed to succeed in this field.
This course is delivered online and is graded using the IIT Grading System. Students must complete various assignments and projects. The course has been structured on a hybrid model that integrates theory with practice.
The course is divided into two modules. First, the student will learn the basics of digital marketing. They will then move on to learn more advanced concepts.
After completion of the course, the student will be able to take up professional jobs. These are available in all regions of the country. As the number of jobs is expected to increase in the future, there is a demand for trained professionals.
The institute also offers internships. Internships have a handsome pay and are considered to be a great opportunity to gain experience in this area.